Supporter logo request 

Please fill out the following form to request your own WIRES supporter logo

Animal cruelty including animal testing, illegal activities, pornography, and unsustainable energy production.

  • WIRES authorisation of the use of the supporter logo is given in reliance on you having given us honest and truthful information regarding your fundraising initiative and any risks or hazards to which participants may be exposed.
  • No personal photos of wildlife or wildlife imagery may be used with the logo other than what has been supplied by WIRES.
  • WIRES reserves the right to withdraw your authority to use the logo at any time if WIRES deems the activity unsuitable.
  • You will notify WIRES of any changes to the initiative that will have an impact on any of the above.
  • All funds raised for WIRES must be paid directly to WIRES in a timely manner. Payment can be made online or by bank transfer. If you are fundraising on behalf of a business, please add your company name in the reference.